
Free Online Resources for the Sales Professional

Marketing Tips

Free Online Resources for the Sales Professional
By Brian Finn | Marketing Advisor, Unique Venues

As we thankfully turn the calendar away from April yet begin our third month of social distancing, I’d like to dedicate some time and resources to the army of dedicated sales professionals from coast to coast who are likely waiting not so patiently for the opportunity to return to their craft.

Just as no two salespeople are created the same, there is no one size fits all training method for the profession leaving many on their own for guidance and training. A thought that exists among some high earners is that a salesperson should invest 1% of their compensation on their own sales education, but where do you even begin?

With budgets tightening for companies and employees alike, this week I’d like to recommend a handful of FREE online resources to help jumpstart your plan and save you money.

My favorite way to get each day going is with Darren Hardy who has been a success mentor to CEO’s and High Achievers across the globe. He shares his insights every weekday morning inside a 5 to 7-minute video emailed to you absolutely free. Committed to the hashtag #BetterEveryDay, the daily message helps push you outside your comfort zone and get focused for success.

*Make it Happen Mondays Podcast with John Barrows (Subscribe on iTunes, Google Play or Soundcloud)
We will take the opportunity to highlight various podcasts in this space over the coming weeks, but for today are recommending Make It Happen Mondays with John Barrows. Each week John, who is a leading B2B sales trainer, brings on an industry leader and discusses questions from regular salespeople. The show also takes place live on Facebook giving reps the chance to interact with both John and his guest.

*The HubSpot Sales Blog
There are days I can’t believe this is a free resource. HubSpot is continuously offering the latest trends and best practices for sales professionals in easy to digest quick reads. The site also provides the latest templates for things such as sales plans or sales scripts in exchange for your email to keep you up to date on their latest offerings.

*Victor Antonio’s YouTube Channel 
YouTube has 30 million daily active users that spend an average of 40 minutes on their site at a time. If you are a visual learner and one of those 30 million, swing by Victor Antonio’s channel where he covers a range of topics from overcoming objections to courses on shortening the sales cycle.

Take the time to invest in yourself during this downtime with these free resources and you are well on your way towards achieving your sales goals.
During this global pandemic, the team at Unique Venues has been working to serve our industry planners and venues with free resources including roundtables, webinars, and workshops. You can visit our COVID-19 Resources page to learn about our upcoming programs this month and next that you may be interested in registering for. Be sure to follow Unique Venues on Facebook (@uniquevenues) and be on the lookout for Facebook Live sessions from Unique Venues CEO, Chuck Salem who will be providing tips and trends for weathering the storm.