
Fast Five For Friday

Marketing Tips, Planner Tips

We’ve got a lot of exciting things happening over at Unique Venues. More to come on this in the future but for now, the top five things you need to know before signing off for the weekend:

  1. We now have an app for Unique Venues Magazine! Download the app today from the Apple, Google Play, or Amazon store. Insider tip- the next magazine is at the printer’s now and will be uploaded to the app any day. Don’t miss it!
  2. You may have noticed a few changes over on our blog. We have gotten a facelift and all of our postings will now be located at www.uniquevenues.com/blog. Avoid missing a single post by updating your subscriptions and bookmarks.
  3. Jim Spellos was just announced as the Keynote speaker for the Unique Venues Annual Marketing Conference! Get excited because he is going to be answering your questions regarding technology. More to come on the conference, but for now visit the registration page to claim your seat in Nashville. October will be here before we know it.
  4. The August edition of the Unique Venues Magazine is having a call for submissions. Find out the details on getting featured in the magazine that reaches 50,000 planners.
  5. The monthly newsletter went out to our planners for May. Are you on the mailing list to get these free ideas straight to your email box? Subscribe today.

Whew…big week. More updates to come in the future of the great things happening at Unique Venues. For now, follow us on Facebook and Twitter to catch a sneak peak of things to come. Have a great weekend!