
5 Tips for Working From Home

Marketing Tips

5 Tips for Working From Home
By Brian Finn | Marketing Advisor, Unique Venues

Believe it or not, I am old enough to remember a time as far back as three months ago when working from home was not only fun, but one of my most cherished job perks. Now that a pandemic has quarantined an entire population, work from home fans have been asked to explain how and why this could have ever been considered a good thing. In our defense, we were previously allowed to maintain some balance by venturing out for more than just wrestling strangers for toilet paper and picking up food curbside.

But now that we are all home for the foreseeable future allow me, a self-proclaimed work from home expert, to offer five tips on how to make the most of your new office address.

First of all, congratulations on your new 10 second commute. Wasn’t that better than scraping ice, dodging rain, fighting traffic and eating in the car? You are free to use this newly discovered time any way you like. Options include sleeping in, working out or simply making breakfast and enjoying your coffee without having to rush out the door. Whatever you choose, it’s best to be consistent and adopt a routine that makes sense for you.

This may seem obvious, but the temptation to plop onto the couch or your favorite chair with the laptop in front of you can be very tempting early on. Find a space in your home that you identify as your desk and work from there each day. While everyone’s home setup is unique, try to avoid placing your new work location directly next to the kitchen or in front of your TV. The temptation at times can be too great to overcome, and we are all trying to avoid the “Quarantine 15”.

You may not have seen this coming based on most of social media showcasing how many days in a row they have worn their favorite sweatpants, but I can’t stress to you enough how much working from home will feel different than just “being at home” if you get dressed for work each day. Now I’m not suggesting you suit up every morning even if that was your normal office attire, but inevitably you will likely find yourself in an impromptu Zoom meeting and already having pants on is a nice head start.

Even if exercise isn’t your thing, it’s important to get up, stretch and move around every hour or so. Being isolated while working from home can lead you to sit for long stretches without the usual diversions of meetings in other rooms or popping by a co-worker’s office for a chat. Walk around the block if it’s convenient or just take a stroll through your home to keep the blood moving.

The easiest thing to do while working from home is to always be working from home. When your work day is over pack up just as you would in a traditional office and find a way to start your evening. Keeping your home life and work life separate is key to avoiding burn out and feeling like the work never ends.

Implement these five tips and you are well on your way to a productive and sane work from home life.

During this global pandemic, the team at Unique Venues has been working to serve our industry planners and venues with free resources including roundtables, webinars, and workshops. You can visit our COVID-19 Resources page to learn about our upcoming programs this month and next that you may be interested in registering for. Be sure to follow Unique Venues on Facebook (@uniquevenues) and be on the lookout for Facebook Live sessions from Unique Venues CEO, Chuck Salem who will be providing tips and trends for weathering the storm.