
Unique Venues Spring 2019 Magazine – Publisher’s Letter

I’ve been thinking quite a bit about change recently. Maybe it’s the switch from one year to the next that brings on such heavy thoughts, or maybe it’s the adjustment period we all go through when we try something new for the first time. Change can be scary, but it can be equally exhilarating as the idea of new experiences and new opportunities becomes limitless. I often get caught up with new ideas and visions of the future. Lately, that has translated into my vision of how the new Unique Venues magazine will look, feel, and translate to you, our readers. Our past editions are a lot to live up to, and the challenge of creating a unique product that represents our unique company is what motivates our team to come up with innovative ideas and creative solutions.

As the director of marketing for Unique Venues and the new publisher of Unique Venues Magazine, I want to take the opportunity to say that we have big things in store for 2019. One of them is that we are going completely digital with our magazine, starting with this issue. You may notice the new platform and some new content on these pages, but we are still committed to delivering the same high-quality product that we have been providing for many years. We are an industry leader in many ways, and I am confident that our magazine will continue to evolve as an industry-leading magazine among meeting and event planners across the U.S. and Canada over the course of the next few years.

It seems fitting that I’ve been reflecting on the past since this issue’s cover story dives into the history of our member campuses and ways they honor their traditions while re-inventing themselves to keep up with the times. We also look at the challenges and, more importantly, the benefits of renovating meeting and event spaces on campuses and how those changes can impact students and groups. Jim Spellos, an expert in technology and its impact on meeting and event planners, also gives us the scoop on up-and-coming technology that will shape our industry in the very near future.

I hope that you enjoy our new digital magazine and find useful information that is pertinent to your daily work. I look forward to creating publications that are a resource for you and your colleagues. If you have ideas for future content or just want to send over a review about our new issue, we’d love to hear your thoughts. Send us a note at [email protected] and be sure to share our articles on social media by tagging us @uniquevenues.

Creativity is always the driving force behind what we do at Unique Venues, and we can’t wait to continue creating and collaborating with you as we take this journey together toward new and exciting advancements.

Alyson Salem
Publisher | [email protected] | 866.266.6857