
linking program

Promote your certified unique venue


ImageAs a member of Unique Venues, you're part of a respected community that has been well known and trusted by the industry for over 30 years. Now you can proudly display your affiliation with Unique Venues by placing this official logo on your homepage. Doing so shows planners that your venue is not only part of a professional group but also committed to serving them and the meetings industry.

To get started, simply copy and paste the code that appears below and forward it to your webmaster. Request that it be placed on your homepage or any top level page within your website. The logo below is what will appear on your site.  The code that appears first below will link the logo to uniquevenues.com.

The second set of code will link the logo directly to your venue's profile in uniquevenues.com. Be sure to insert your venue profile's unique URL when noted in the code. You can find this by conducting a search in uniquevenues.com, finding your venue's profile and copying the URL string at the top of the page.

Questions? Call Todd Wonders at 814-792-8027 or email [email protected].