
Why Kids Love Summer Sports Camp

Camps & Retreat Centers, Planner Tips

Yes, summer is officially over, but the end of summer also marks the start of one of the best times of year for sports. Think about it. If you are a football fan, you have the start of college football and the NFL. Also, the playoffs for baseball will start in the beginning of October. In addition to these, there’s the return of Premiere League Soccer. And don’t forget that the start of the NBA and NHL seasons are just around the corner.

There’s no question that sports in fall are great, and they can be especially memorable for kids. Like most people, you probably have memories of the first time you watched your team win a championship or the first time you went to your first live sports match. You may have even decided to start playing a sport yourself after watching the pros play.

This is why it might be advantageous to start thinking about sports camp – whether you’re someone who might be interested in organizing an event or a parent who thinks it could be a good idea for your child. Here are a few benefits children experience attending summer camp:

  • Children learn about fitness and play outdoors. Childhood obesity is currently a pandemic and lack of exercise and play is one reason why.
  • Children are taught skills they can use for next season. They can receive more one-on-one time with coaches as well.
  • Children gain confidence in their skills and challenge themselves as they compete with other campers.
  • Children can meet new friends and come together to train and win as a team.

Planning a Summer Sports Camp

If you are planning a sports summer camp of any kind, we encourage you to check out this resource guide from the American Camp Association. You will learn everything from setting up a business plan to marketing and insurance requirements. There are many steps to planning a summer sports camp. One of the things you will need to consider is location, which is where our team at Unique Venues can help.

Let’s say, for example, that you are planning a weeklong day sport camp in the Midwest. There are many different camp venues available to facilitate your needs. There’s Camp Pillsbury in Minnesota, which can host specialty camps of all kinds. If you’re looking for a venue in Michigan, there’s always Michigan State University, home of the Spartans. Who knows? Maybe you could even get Tom Izzo to teach your kids a thing or two.

We encourage you to check out all of our available camp venues in the Midwest and elsewhere in the United States to find the best one for the sports camp you’re planning.