
What does it take to get someone to TRY something new?

Conference & Business Centers, Planner Tips

Our sales team just returned from RCMA. While at the show, an interesting statistic proved itself in real life. Allow me to explain:

Think of a baby. Experts say that you have to offer new foods to a child 10-15 times before they’ll try it or it or even like it.

So how many times do you have to ask a meeting planner who uses hotels and traditional venues to TRY a unique venue?

Ask Chuck Salem, President of Unique Venues. It took one planner at RCMA visiting the Unique Venues section at the trade show and attending Chuck’s 70-minute session before he finally said, “OK, here are my RFP’s. I’ll TRY some of your venues.” And he really meant try. No promises.

Our meeting planning department has since processed all of these hot RCMA leads. Hot leads have short lives and therefore need to be responded to quickly. Set a goal to follow up on leads in a timely fashion. Let’s not let this guy get away from trying something new. Who knows? He might even like it.