
Top tips for selecting the right team building events

Planner Tips

Match the product to the audience

It is imperative that the organiser chooses an event that suits the whole demographic of their group of employees.  An office environment can have a diverse range of employees so the activity must be able to engage everyone. As a company we ensure that we get a good understanding of the attendees before suggesting products for their event. We have products that can suit very specific groups such as our ‘Around the World’ event, which has activities themed to different countries so it is particularly suited to an international group.

Set a realistic budget

An organiser needs to be aware that the cost involved is not just for the activity itself but all the other components that make a successful event. If an outdoor event is of preference the client will need extra budget for grounds hire as well as the cost of a meeting room. Delegates will also need to be catered for during the event. A popular and effective choice is for delegates to enjoy a drink or meal post-event to continue the spirit of the bonding session and finish the event on a high.

Select the right venue

Team building events are a great reason to get employees out of the office. Having the event in a different location gives groups the opportunity to enjoy surroundings outside the office environment so venue selection is key.  We always suggest inspirational venues, which match the event that the client has chosen.  Venues with outdoor space are a perfect choice for a company who are based in a busy city centre.

Set clear objectives

It is important to know what you want to get out of your day. Does the event need to have a specific learning outcome for delegates or is it a reward for a job well done? Our 80+ product range is diverse and we have events to suit clear objectives.  We liaise with clients at the enquiry stage to ensure that we understand what a client is looking to achieve from their day and we match the product to the brief accordingly.  Some key focus areas are to increase productivity, break the ice between different internal groups, bring employees together to collaborate and establish better communication.

Build up the excitement pre-event

A teaser campaign is a great way for the organiser to engage employees and get the buzz circulating the office pre-event. Groups who don’t wish to do a full teaser campaign can benefit from building up the excitement by pre-selecting teams and allowing teammates to bond pre-event.  We often have groups arriving on the day with teams already named and customised team shirts to get the competition going so this can bring delegates together from the outset.

Inform delegates of the practicalities 

It is important that delegates are fully prepared for the event so communicating with the team pre-event regarding clothing, venue location and other vital information is key.  We always advise organisers of dress codes for activities and what we require before the event to ensure that it runs smoothly on the day.  It is imperative that this information is communicated to the delegates in order that they arrive in good time and wearing the correct attire.