
Tips for Developing a Successful Integrated Marketing Plan

Marketing Tips, Planner Tips

Tips for Developing a Successful Integrated Marketing Plan

Successful businesses have an integrated marketing strategy. Just think of the reasons why you buy a specific product or service. Most likely some sort of marketing was involved, like a Facebook ad or a commercial on television. No matter if you connect planners with meeting facilities or sell clothing, an integrated marketing plan is a must for any business, especially in the hospitality industry.

An integrated marketing plan consists of blending online and offline marketing strategies implemented in the most cost-effective manner and providing the greatest return on investment (ROI). These strategies could include social media ads, email campaigns, print and/or digital brochures, direct mail, and more. Blending these online and offline strategies is important to reach as many people in your target audience as possible. 

Of course, when developing an integrated marketing plan, cost is going to be a factor. Not only will you want to choose the best marketing strategies to reach your intended audience, but also strategies that are cost-effective. A good ROI is about 20 times what you invested in the marketing strategies.

So what are some things you should be doing in order to develop a successful integrated marketing plan? Here are some ideas from Unique Venues CEO, Chuck Salem that can help tell your brand’s story and educate the public on a new product or service:

  • Harvest Data through Email Lists, Vendor Relationships, Past Customers, Corporate Lists and More
  • Make Yourself Findable Through SEO, Lead Generation Strategies, and Social Media Marketing
  • Create an Effective Website that Tells Your Company’s Story and Provides Users with Critical Information in an Easy to Access Manner
  • Highlight the Features, Advantages, and Benefits of Your Products and Services
  • Produce Engaging Video Content Relevant to Your Targeted Audience
  • Utilize Paid Advertising through Google AdWords, Facebook Promotion, and Local/Regional Media
  • Share Content Regularly about Your Company Like Recent Hires, Awards, and Testimonials
  • Engage on Social on All Platforms that Make Sense for Your Business Including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Various Blogs
  • Offer First-Time Discounts and Perks to Convince Prospective Clients to Take a Shot on You
  • Implement Pre-Sales and Loyalty Programs to Attract New Customers and Retain Old Ones

There are many ways to grow your business utilizing an integrated marketing plan. For more insight, speak to the marketing experts at Unique Venues to help develop an integrated marketing and sales plan for your unique or non-traditional space. Click here to learn more.