
Pivoting Your Wedding Planning



Pivoting Your Wedding Planning

By Brian Finn | Marketing Advisor, Unique Venues

You’ve dreamt of your wedding for years and just as the big day drew near, a pandemic wiped out the endless hours of planning while turning an entire industry on its head. Couples everywhere have been forced to pivot when it comes to tying the knot as state, provincial and local regulations have closed venues entirely or severely restricted guest counts. While many have chosen to postpone the nuptials, and look for a new date, there is a growing segment pressing on but with a twist. (No, the face shield isn’t the new veil.)

What sometimes gets lost in the hoopla and stress of planning a wedding is that for many, the date matters and so does the process and formality of actually getting married. Couples are electing to put the big party on hold, but still moving ahead by getting creative with the ceremony whether it’s in the form of an intimate gathering at home, a small church service or a quick trip to the court house with a few family members to make things official. Some have turned to using social media tools like Instagram live or Facebook live to share the moment while others have even gone the drive-in route to help keep their distance.

With the formal part now out of the way, these couples are looking ahead to safer and brighter days rebooking their venue for the public wedding and reception they’ve always imagined. Because COVID has affected all parts of the wedding industry, venues and vendors are showing increased flexibility in the form of waiving cancellation fees and refunding deposits. The key has been early communication. If you are fortunate enough to have a wedding planner, make sure they are earning their money. A good planner will be able to review contracts and work out solutions with each of your existing vendors. If you are on your own, be sure to stay organized and create a checklist of everyone who must be contacted and examine all your options. Next up is of course letting your guests know of the new plans. “Change the Date” cards can be a fun way to share the disappointing news.

Many venues are booked years in advance so rebooking into 2021 might not be easy with what is quickly shaping up as a double wedding season next year. Keep an open mind for your celebration with an eye on a non-traditional day like Sunday or even a weekday. In doing so, there is a better chance of possibly landing on your now one-year anniversary. But even if you can’t secure your original date, the best part is you and yours can celebrate TWO anniversaries!

Staying positive is the key to surviving and planning a wedding under normal circumstances. The silver lining while planning through these unprecedented times is that you now get to say yes to your dress twice, can host an even bigger party with the pressure of the “real” ceremony out of the way and most importantly will always have a great story to tell of how your love survived a worldwide pandemic!

Your unique decision deserves a unique space. Be sure to check out our selection of non-traditional wedding venues in your area.