
Meeting at a Unique Venue has Great Advantages

Planner Tips

Fact or Fiction? The Truth is, Meeting at a Unique Venue has Great Advantages!


Sure, unique venues such as college campuses, museums and cultural institutions in the USA and Canada have their advantages and disadvantages just like any traditional venue or hotel. But when it comes to booking a function at these sites, there are often a number of misconceptions about the property's capabilities. We sort out the fact from the fiction.

Point #1: They're new at hosting events

Far from it; in a number of cases, unique venues have been hosting meetings and events longer than hotels in their market. In the case of campuses, 1978 was when the Canadian University and College Conference Organizer's Association (CUCCOA) was formed and 1980 was when the Association of Collegiate Conferences & Events Directors-International (ACCED-i) was formed to assist in this arena; that's over 35 years of opening doors to planners!

Point #2: I won't receive the professionalism I expect

Event directors at unique venues are just as qualified as those at traditional venues. Many are certified in the meetings industry with CMP status while others have specific certifications like the CCEP (Collegiate Conference & Events Professional) that provides standards for their specific area of the industry.

Point #3: My event won't be as impressive or memorable

Unique venues have many of the same services and amenities as traditional venues such as catering and on-staff personnel. Even better, these properties often feature more enhanced technology and more unique spaces and ambiance than a cookie cutter hotel-most of the time, at a fraction of the cost.