
Lesson 4 in Customer Service with Chuck Salem

Marketing Tips

Our final installment of our customer service series goes back to the people. We left off last week with the importance of getting buy-in from staff with the evaluation of surveys. Let’s take this a step further by infusing great customer service expectations from the beginning, before a staff member is ever hired.

  1. Personnel: Infuse service qualities in to job descriptions. An example of this could include “Spaces will be set-up 30 minutes before the event”. This allows your staff to have a benchmark set in place for conducting themselves on the job. This also holds the staff accountable for reaching expectations.
  2. Training: Cross train employees so they can function even if the task is not within their job description.
  3. Empower your staff: At all times, use your best judgment to take care of clients. Give staff members the encouragement that they can give the visitors an extra linen packet if something is wrong with the one a guest is returning. Empower staff to make quick decisions rather than having to rely on upper management sign-off. This increases the efficiency of how quickly a customer is heard and responded to in a situation.
  4. Make sure your staff are equipped with the knowledge and skill set to make your venue outstanding. Hire good people, train them well, and check-in with them to ensure they are meeting expectations set-forth from the venue and management.

Thanks to Chuck for his wisdom on customer service and for joining us in this series. If you missed any part of the blog, visit them below:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3