
Holiday fare: Creative menu ideas for holiday parties

Planner Tips

Charged with planning the menu for your holiday party?  Stay on top of the latest trend, and create some unforgettable food-drink pairings.

Ditch the traditional buffet table and create food-drink pairing stations throughout the room.  Several mini-meals not only appeals to each guest's tastes, it also distributes food throughout the room, meaning guests are more likely to circulate and mingle.

Choosing pairings may seem overwhelming, but just start with a food or drink you like to serve, and go from there.  Margaritas? Make them mini by serving them in high ball glasses like these mini-mojitos. Then pair them with something Mexican, like mini-tacos or quesadillas. Want something seasonal? Pair pumpkin beer with cinnamon rimmed glasses with stuffing or turkey spring rolls.

We love some of the ideas from this recent article, like creme brûlée with espresso martinis.

To kick it up a notch, get creative with how you serve the food and drink. Because this isn't a sit down dinner, be sure that the items are bite-sized or portable (there's a reason food on a stick is in).  With the mini-drinks, think outside of the box. We love these mini-drink's tiny glasses.

Planning a holiday party can be a daunting task, but hopefully you've gained a bit of inspiration to turn tradition on its head with these food-drink pairings.

If you're still in need of a venue, be sure to search our collection of unique venues across North America, perfect for your holiday party.
