
Hey AIG…try this for your next meeting.

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Looks like Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif. is requesting that AIG come forward with details about the costs of their meetings, events, incentives and retreats held this year as well as those they have planned over the next 6 months. I don't know how the rest of you feel, but I'm glad SOMEONE is getting after them on this. It's really hard not to be irate about a 'business as usual' approach when the feds are bailing them out.

Here's an idea AIG.  Try meeting at one of our venues, a unique venue. Guess what? They're great places to meet, train AND reward. And best of all, they're affordable. Some call them no-frills, we call them refreshing, alternative and did we mention, affordable?

It's just a hunch, but I'll bet AIG wouldn't get half of the eye-rolling flack and anger if they chose to meet at the University of Dayton, the National 4-H Conference Center, or the Museum of Science and Industry. What do you think?