
Grateful for the Work

Marketing Tips, Planner Tips

I don’t know about any of you, but I’ve noticed that people seem to be more grateful for their work these days. At Unique Venues, we work with a lot of contractors who help us with our website, marketing, direct mail, printing, database, technology, etc. While I’m not suggesting that these people were not enjoyable to work with in the past, I’ve just noticed that they are more on their game, more eager for work and more grateful for the work that we do give them.

I have to say that our team at UV is probably no different. We all seem to be more satisfied with our jobs, a happy member, a productive day, a successful marketing initiative, etc.

And maybe that’s just one more lesson to be learned from all that we’ve been through over the last year and a half. It’s probably safe to say that many of us took a lot of things for granted, including our jobs. When things get tough, you end up re-evaluating what’s really important in life and getting rid of the rest.

So, as the economy continues to improve and we all begin to get even more busy, the challenge will be to remember these times and these feelings and keep the rest in perspective.