
Email Marketing: How to construct the ideal eblast


Email marketing allows companies to save money and get the results they need to drive sales. In fact, marketers can expect a 15% response rate on permission-based emails, compared to only 1% for direct mail.

Email marketing is a great tool for awareness building. From there, you can build upon your relationship with the respondents, nudging them closer to becoming your customers.

But what are the tricks to pulling these types of numbers?

Believe it or not, there are formulas for writing the perfect ad copy.

Here’s a great formula to use for your first eblast:

First, relate to whom you’re writing. Is this a list of planners who have a particular interest (unique venues) or who are in a certain geographic area (DC, for example). Relate to them in one to two sentences to pull them in.

Next, tie in how your benefits meet their needs. Don’t speak about your features, talk about the benefits of choosing your venue. (For example, you don’t sell a minivan to a mom by talking about horsepower; you talk about the safety of the vehicle in bad weather).

Third, give them a reason to contact you now. Offer a premium to the first 25 to inquire more information, like a discount or free gift. Call them to action, but keep it simple.

So what do you do with those 15% of respondents?

Nurture them. Build your eblast so that when they click to contact you, you capture their information. This could be a survey landing-page, where they fill out their name, address and when they expect to plan their next event.

Given that information, your next outreach to them can be personal and timely, two key factors in delivering qualified leads from email marketing.

Unique Venues offers eblast to members. To learn more, contact us today.