
Do you prefer a “Green,” environmentally conscious venue for your next event?

Colleges & Universities, Conference & Business Centers

Do you prefer a “Green” venue for your next event? Are you planning a meeting or conference and need to be particularly environmentally conscious? If that’s the case, The University of Vermont might just be your solution.

UVM’s motto is that you will “Meet, Eat and Sleep in a GREEN Environment!”…And it’s not just talk: this is one venue that truly walks the walk when it comes to being green.

UVM offers several options for LEED-certified event facilities and housing – including Davis Center, Jeffords Hall, Aiken Center, Wing Davis Wilks and University Heights. The university’s electric and fossil consumption rate has been stable since 2003 (at approximately 800,000 MMBTU each year) – which is absolutely incredible when you consider that they have simultaneously increased the size of the campus by 40% (in terms of square footage and student enrollment)! The university even composts in large meeting facilities and is looking to expand that program.

The University of Vermont is really at the forefront of the entire green movement. It is consistently one of the first schools to implement unique new green initiatives. For example. in January 2013, UVM will become one of the first institutions in the U.S. – and just 15 in North America – to ban bottled water sales on campus (including at events) and mandate that one-third of the drinks offered in vending machines be healthy options. The university has set up bottle-filling stations around campus to enable people to fill re-usable bottles with water rather than buy plastic bottles. The fact that this sustainable beverage policy came to

fruition as the result of lobbying by students just goes to show that the entire school’s mentality – from administrators to faculty to students – is focused on being green.

Does this sound perfect for your next environmentally-friendly meeting or event? A place that everyone from meeting planners to attendees can feel good about – knowing that their impact on the environment is minimalized.

And don’t be concerned that because UVM is green, the quality of your event might suffer. Quite the opposite! The University of Vermont is a “one-stop-shop” for all of your event-planning needs. Imagine a breath-taking campus with spectacular views of the Green and Adirondack Mountains…top-notch conference, event and meeting facilities available year-round…state-of-the-art technology…on-campus housing throughout the summer months…full-service catering…and so much more.

If you want to go green for your next meeting or event – without sacrificing quality or service – consider the University of Vermont.