
Could “un-traditional” be the best option for your next meeting or event?

Colleges & Universities, Conference & Business Centers

Traditional meetings are, of course, an essential part of our industry – and for some meetings, there simply is no other option. But wouldn’t it be nice to have a more fun, “outside-the-box” event, if the situation allowed it? For instance, team-building exercises or youth leadership conferences. You could attempt a high ropes challenge course…have a go at a rock-climbing wall…or try for a

perfect game at bowling. Georgia Institute of Technology’s Conference Services offers all of this and more – so they can truly meet any meeting need, from the ordinary to the exceptional.

Georgia Tech’s campus, located in the heart of midtown Atlanta, allows for meetings and overnight accommodations to take place in unique locations such as residence halls, student common areas, classrooms — ranging from 30-person classrooms to 1,000+ seat theater auditoriums – outdoor courtyards and large multipurpose gymnasiums. They welcome meeting planners who are looking for an alternative to hotel and want a personalized experience with unique meeting options.

Georgia Tech also meets the needs of planners searching for a sustainable meeting place and overnight accommodations. The school’s North Avenue Apartments Complex just received LEED Gold Certification for Existing Buildings – Operations and Maintenance. This award of sustainability recognizes North Avenue Apartments as the world's largest LEED EB O&M Certified university housing complex. In all, Georgia Tech has over 17,501,240 square feet of LEED Registered Buildings.

If you’re searching for an urban meeting space for training groups, conferences, youth leadership programs or professional development seminars, it’s definitely worth investigating Georgia Tech. And – because Georgia Tech Conference Services is an ACCED-I certified “one-stop-shop” – there won’t be any hassles, or runaround, or passing you around from one person to

another. This “one-stop-shop” distinction allows clients to know that with one phone call, all necessary planning elements – including parking, dining, meeting space, accommodations, and communication needs – will be taken care of by Georgia Tech Conference Services’ staff of five full-time professionals.

Could your next meeting or event benefit from going the un-traditional route?

If you want to stay up to date on Georgia Tech’s events, meeting ideas, and special promotions, you can “like” them on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/GTConferenceServices) or follow them on Twitter (@gatechconfserv).