
Choose Yale University for Your Next Event

Colleges & Universities


Yale Conferences & Events  

As time moves on more and more event planners are looking towards transitioning back towards normal, traditional, in-person events. It’s been a long time and everyone— event planners as well as event attendees— are really ready to get back to business and move on. But everyone wants to do it right. They want to have a successful event, accomplish all their goals, but of course they want everyone to be safe, healthy, and follow the appropriate protocols.

So what’s an event planner to do? As anxious as we all are to get back to what we do best, planners need to proceed cautiously. The very first and very best thing event planners can do is choose to hold their event at a trusted venue with an experienced team that can help them navigate all the details that make up this new normal.

Yale is that trusted place. Yale not only has the many spaces that can meet a wide variety of event needs, Yale also has generations of trusted professional event experience that you can depend upon to help you create the event you envision in these new times. Yale Conferences & Events (YC&E) is the professional event planning department at Yale and they are expertly transitioning back to in-person events in a safe, conservative manner. They will work closely with you to help you reach your goals and create the event you desire, safely.

YC&E not only says they are a “One Stop Shop” they are officially certified as such by the Association of Collegiate Conferences and Events Directors – International (ACCED-I). What that means is they uphold the highest standards of efficient and effective event planning. Through just one contact, one contract, and one bill, you have access to all Yale has to offer – even housing for your group if you hold your event during the summer months.

You will be assigned your own Program Director who will work closely with you to plan the specific details surrounding your unique event. No matter what size your gathering or type of event, your Program Director will take away the stress of organizing, allowing you to focus on the important content to wish to communicate to your guests.

Yale helps coordinate every aspect of your event from start to finish. From choosing the perfect event space, to the perfect event menu, to parking, registration, and everything in-between. Yale’s expansive campus comprises over 200 buildings across more than 20 city blocks of downtown New Haven. Yale Conferences & Events can guide you to the best space for your gathering whether it is for two or 2,500 guests. They can also help arrange travel, and manage services with other resource providers at Yale, in New Haven, and beyond. And if you would like an expert from Yale to speak at your event, they can even help with that, too.

These certainly are unusual times to be an event planner. Yale Conferences & Events can help you navigate these times and help you transition back to in-person events— what you do best. Contact Yale Conferences & Events today to find out more.