
Badge of Honor | Certified Unique Venues Member

Marketing Tips

Are you a member of Unique Venues? If so, do you wear your badge of being a certified member with honor?


Being a member of Unique Venues places you in a league of your own. By displaying your badge, you let planners know that you are committed to seeking new business and responding to leads in a timely fashion. Displaying our member logo demonstrates professionalism and commitment to your clients and the venue you represent.

As if the meaning of your badge were not enough incentive to display the Unique Venues logo on your website, we have a little contest going to sweeten the deal! You have until March 31st to place the Unique Venues badge on your website to be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card.

Let's get started. Visit the Certified Member page here to be taken to the area of our website that has the code for the badges. When you finish, come on back here and comment to let us know you are wearing your badge with honor!