
5 Ways to Market Trust to Event Attendees

Marketing Tips, Planner Tips

5 Ways to Market Trust for Safe Events in 2021

Ready for in-person meetings and events to come back in 2021? While hybrid meetings are here to stay, Unique Venues knows that marketing trust to attendees at in-person gatherings provides more opportunities to rebuild the hospitality industry. As leaders in marketing unique and non-traditional spaces for almost 35 years, we know a thing or two about building trust with your audience. Below, you can find marketing tips and strategies to help communicate safety to your event attendees in 2021. 

1. Social Media
Utilizing social media to communicate safety protocols and compliance to local and state/province guidelines before, during, and after your event is critical. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow you as a planner to show imagery as proof that backs up your preparedness. For example, before the event, be sure to post the steps that you are taking to ensure event safety like, “Masks are required for all event attendees,” or “Each room is setup to comply with physical distancing guidelines. Seats will be at least 6 feet apart for your safety”. Images that show attendees wearing masks and sample room setups are useful in getting your point across. During the event, take pictures of speakers, attendees, and catering setups to provide proof that attendees are gathering safely. This helps ease future client's minds, building trust for future bookings. Lastly, post testimonials from event attendees that reiterate their feelings of safety while gathering in-person after the event is over.

2. Email Communication
Email all event attendees prior to the event with a link to the state/province's guidelines for meeting in person. Remind guests that they must comply with mask wearing recommendations, temperature checks will be administered prior to entry, physical distancing measures have been taken into account with room setups, catering will be boxed and distributed, and remind guests of the importance of hand washing and sanitizing throughout the day. By communicating your expectations, as a planner, you are providing a foundation of trustworthiness and are setting expectations among guests.

3. Event Signage
Visual reminders at the meeting or event are great ways to put an attendees mind at ease. It lets them know that you are serious about keeping them safe and healthy. Signs placed at main entrances, in bathrooms, hallways, and other high traffic areas are helpful to provide visual representation of the following:

  • How to properly wear a mask
  • How to properly wash hands
  • How far apart attendees should be

Additionally, directional floor tape, floor markers, and arrows to encourage traffic flow and 6 feet of separation should be considered.

4. Marketing Collateral
Why not have fun with your event and encourage event safety at the same time? Providing branded items like hand sanitizer, masks, pens (because nobody wants to share those these days), or contactless thermometers are a fun way to promote compliance to guidelines. Guests can utilize items the day-of your event and also take home a branded “gift” as a reminder of your event invoking feelings of security. These items also help guests feel cared for, trusting you for future event bookings.

5. Update Your Website Frequently
While social media marketing and email marketing are crucial for communication to guests, your website is just as important in expressing how you, as a planner, are going to take care of the client. These days, everyone wants to see your website with the latest COVID-19 resources. They also want to see a message from you that tells them how you will ensure event safety and follow guidelines. If websites do not have those these days, it is assumed that you do not care about your clients and event guests (regardless of how you feel!) and it can be assumed that your lack of attention to your business’ lifeline will also reflect your lack of attention to detail planning an event. 

Feelings of trust are decisive. You can get back to meeting in-person by marketing your compliance with guidelines, event safety, and expressing concern for event guests by marketing in easy and smart ways using social media, email communication, event signage, marketing collateral, and updating your website. 

If you need assistance marketing your event, our team can help! Email [email protected] for a consultation.