
5 Tips for Effective Email Marketing

Marketing Tips

Email marketing is a strategy used by many companies, among a variety of industries, to retain customer engagement, generate revenue, and gain prospective clients. It is efficient and cost effective with 59% of business to business marketers saying email is their most effective medium for generating revenue. According to a 2015 survey conducted by Marketing Sherpa, 72% of customers prefer business communication to be conducted via email as the main form of contact. It’s safe to say that email is one of the most valuable assets to a company’s marketing strategy, but what makes it so effective? Here are five tips that may help improve your email marketing campaign.

1. Create an email schedule and be consistent with it. Whether you choose to send an email weekly, monthly, or quarterly, find a schedule that works for you and stick with it. It is equally important to note that sending too many emails has a negative effect on creating and maintaining business.

2. Content is key! Quality over quantity is a good rule of thumb when it comes to creating an email marketing campaign. Simplify your information and include a link to your website, social media channels, and/or blog. This boosts traffic to your website, potentially increasing your revenue.

3. Know your results. Marketing analytics can help you analyze important data about the effectiveness of your email marketing campaign. This practice is vital to growing your business and helps optimize your return on investment (ROI). Adjust your email marketing accordingly based on the results of the data.

4. Be sure you’re sending your email to a relevant audience.  Your email marketing CRM allows for a set number of email recipients.  Targeted data and sending to the right clients for a campaign can help you manage your distribution numbers as well as avoid unsubscribes.

5. Have a call to action.  Whether it is simply for potential client awareness, such as “Learn More” or to convert a potential client with “Purchase”, a call to action keeps the receiver in your marketing funnel.

By creating a consistent email marketing schedule, delivering streamlined content, analyzing data, targeting a relevant audience, and having a call to action, you can create an effective marketing strategy that will yield successful results.