
2022 Meeting and Event Trends for Professional Planners

Planner Tips

2022 Meeting and Event Trends for Professional Planners

Adaptability will be the key word we use when we talk about events in 2022. The world is ever changing, and event planners and venues need to be ready to change their plans in an instant. We know that you will be able to do this successfully! To make your jobs a little easier, we highlighted five meeting and event trends for professional planners in 2022. These are also relevant trends that will continue to be important in the coming years, so take good notes!

Hybrid Events
The pandemic is on-going – new variants, boosters, and travel restrictions. We know that our venues have been extremely flexible since this began. Planners also need to continue to adapt on the fly. One trend we will continue to see in 2022 is hybrid events. Sometimes travel restrictions, local restrictions, or a person’s comfort level will keep them from attending an in-person event. Although difficult, planners need to be ready to quickly change their event to hybrid if the need is evident. 2022 will be another year of adaptability for both planners and venues.

If you need help finding venues that offer hybrid events – check these out!

Micro Events
In 2021, we saw more groups holding micro events – smaller scale meetings that only take an hour or two of the participant’s time. Most of them are held in a hybrid setting. This is a great option for weekly or monthly meetings covering various topics. Micro events are easier to plan because of their short time limit and usually do not require the other aspects of event planning – travel, food, and hotel accommodations. These events quickly gained credibility in 2021 and will continue to be impactful in 2022.

Transformational Experiences
The pandemic has taken a toll on almost everyone’s mental and physical health. Why not give your attendees a break and offer a variety of transformational experiences during their next multi-day conference or meeting? It helps to clear their mind and allows them to focus on what they are discussing and not whatever else is floating through their head. Some examples include team building activities, leadership mentoring, outdoor hikes, fitness classes, a spa day, meditation activities, and delicious food and drink. These might not seem like a lot but could mean the world to an attendee who has not been feeling the best lately. Focusing on health and wellness during retreats has become a prominent feature when planners are creating their events.

Increased Health & Safety Protocols
Hand sanitizer, masks, smaller groups, COVID testing – these have all become the norm over the last two years and will continue to be for an unknown amount of time. Planners should understand the venue's guidelines regarding health and safety protocols as well as the city and state/province restrictions where the event is being held. Working with the event venue and the guests will make everyone’s experience smoother. 

Customization and Personalization
Today, guests are looking for added customization and personalization at their events. Name tags and a goodie bag are not the added features we mean, either. Attendees want to be involved in the planning process. They want to have a say in which type of presenters they listen to, where the conference will be held, catering options, among others. One great option to ensure guests are involved is by sending out a pre-event survey that allows attendees to answer a couple short questions to help personalize their experience. A post-event survey is also a wonderful tool, too, to help prepare for next year! Finally, everyone has technology at their fingertips. Planners can use this to their advantage. Use one of the many event planning apps and create a location to hold all of the details of your event. Don’t forget about adding options for things to do after your event ends – restaurant, bars, shopping, and entertainment. Customization and personalization are definitely here to stay in 2022 and moving forward.

Looking for a one-of-a-kind meeting or event space? Look no further than Unique Venues. Submit your event information and our team of Venue Advisors will help you find the perfect venue – FREE!